The Dark Hedges of Northern Ireland is difficult to find, but worth the pretty tour through farmlands and villages near Ballymoney. Use GPS (Bregagh Road or Gracehill House) to get there, and plan to park and stroll awhile. Photographers may be mobbing one end, but you can find time to yourself wandering Bregagh Road beneath the magnificent puzzle of entwined Beech trees, enjoying the shadows and the spooky filtered daylight. Beech trees tend to live between 150-200 years, but some of those in The Dark Hedges are at least 300 years old, according to a 2014 study commissioned by the Dark Hedges Preservation Trust. Watch for the ghost of the Grey Lady, who sometimes drifts among the beech trees. She's said to be the spirit of a tormented soul in a forgotten graveyard hidden nearby, or the ghost of Gracehill resident Margaret "Cross Peggy," Stuart, who died mysteriously some 200 years ago.